Friday, May 18, 2012

Choices for Nervous System Enrichment


1.  If you  have an ipad or iphone, you may find and download the free app "3D Brain".  Explore the different parts of the brain and find their functions.  Very cool!

2.  Virtual Eye Dissection - at this website, you can do an animated tutorial to learn how the eye works, do a virtual eye dissection, or watch a video of an eye dissection.

3.  Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery - This is one of those EdHeads activities you guys loved!

4.  Nano Particles and Brain Tumors - Another EdHeads activity - this one is for grades 10 - 12.  Kind of advanced, but interesting!

5.  Learn all about the nervous system - this one is like the bones game some of you enjoyed.

6.  Have a brain workout - this game tests how well you can remember customers' names and faces, and deliver the correct food/drink to each customer.

7.  Chimp Challenge - in this game, pretend to be a chimpanzee, and see if you can remember who is your friend and who is your enemy.

8.  Take a detailed quiz to find out more about your own learning style.  We did this at the beginning of the year, but I'm sure it's more relevant now!

9.  Learn about how scientists are trying to make "artificial vision" possible.

10.  Do some research of your own on "mind control technology" or "thought controlled software".

11. Do some research of your own on brain anomalies, disorders, and unusual conditions, or other mental health topics.  Are you interested in learning more about giftedness?  Autism?  Musical prodigies?  Seizure disorders?  Alzheimer's Disease?

12.  Do some research on your own on other topics related to the nervous system, such as hearing, vision correction, multiple sclerosis....?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Amazing and Unusual Brain

Daniel Tammet on David Letterman

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

An Inspiring Video for You Today!

Check out this awesome young lady, who started a very successful blog and website before she was in highschool!  A very strong and smart young lady!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday 5/4

1.  Finish annotating the diagrams from Wednesday in your notebook.  Draw labels for your blank heart diagram and draw the path the blood takes.  For help, look at the diagram on page 542 of your textbook.

2.  Add this diagram to your notebook, and annotate it with notes about blood vessels.  Use page 544 in your textbook.  Do you know the difference between veins, arteries, and capillaries?
3.  How is blood pressure measured, and what does blood pressure mean?  Try creating your own understanding of this topic, by googling "blood pressure for kids" or "how does a blood pressure cuff work?".  Find at least one diagram, and record notes to demonstrate what you have learned.

4.  Now, move on to the section 2 box in your notebook.  Insert this diagram into you notebook:

 What is blood made of?  What is the role of each of the 4 components of blood?

5.  Learn about blood type and how transfusions work.  Use this diagram:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, 5/2

1.  Make a wordle using the chapter review from the earth science chapter 10 review.  Find it at  Does this help refresh your memory about plate tectonics?  (10 minutes)

2.  Work on vocabulary for chapter 19.  Quiz will be on Friday.  (15 minutes)

3.  Copy these images into you digital notebook (or draw something like them in your analog notebook, you can trace the picture on page 542.)...  We will be having a class discussion.  Take 5 minutes to prepare your diagrams.

4.  If we have time, you may find additional resources/videos/tools/pictures to add to your digital notebook, or you may play this game.  Please read the directions carefully.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Words For Science Final

Here is a blank vocab test if you want to use it to study!!

Here's a wordle Kylen made:

Physical Science Chapter 3:
atomic number

Earth Science Chapter 10:
Continental Drift
Convection Current
Plate Tectonics

Earth Science Chapter 11:
Normal Fault
Reverse Fault
Strike-Slip Fault

Earth Science Chapter 12:
Shield Volcano
Cinder Cone Volcano
Composite Volcano

Earth Science Chapter 13:
Absolute Age
Relative Age
Index Fossil
Radiometric Dating
Principle of Superposition

Earth Science Chapter 14:
Geologic Time Scale
Precambrian Time
Cenozoic Era
Mesozoic Era
Paleozoic Era

Life Science Chapter 1:
Spontaneous Generation

Life Science Chapter 2:
Host Cell

Life Science Chapter 3:
Cellular Respiration
Active Transport
Passive Transport

Life Science Chapter 9:
Nonvascular Plant
Pioneer Species

Life Science Chapter 10:

Life Science Chapter 14:
Amniotic Egg

Life Science Chapter 18:
Chemical Digestion
Mechanical Digestion
Amino Acid

Life Science Chapter 19:
Coronary Circulation
Systemic Circulation
Pulmonary Circulation

Tuesday 5/1

Making a wordle is a great way to analyze a bit of text.  The larger the words are, the more frequently they are found in that text.  You can make one to preview your reading, and it will help you think about the big ideas, vocabulary that will be used, and details that will support the big ideas.  You can use it to analyze your own writing, and see if you are using the same words over and over again.  You can paste this wordle into your digital notebook if you would like.  This week we will be learning about circulation.

Here is a digital notebook template you may choose to use this week.  I think you're really going to like it!  But, of course, you don't HAVE to use it.  You can use an analog notebook instead (that's one of the old fashioned kinds, with paper...).  :-)