Friday, May 18, 2012

Choices for Nervous System Enrichment


1.  If you  have an ipad or iphone, you may find and download the free app "3D Brain".  Explore the different parts of the brain and find their functions.  Very cool!

2.  Virtual Eye Dissection - at this website, you can do an animated tutorial to learn how the eye works, do a virtual eye dissection, or watch a video of an eye dissection.

3.  Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery - This is one of those EdHeads activities you guys loved!

4.  Nano Particles and Brain Tumors - Another EdHeads activity - this one is for grades 10 - 12.  Kind of advanced, but interesting!

5.  Learn all about the nervous system - this one is like the bones game some of you enjoyed.

6.  Have a brain workout - this game tests how well you can remember customers' names and faces, and deliver the correct food/drink to each customer.

7.  Chimp Challenge - in this game, pretend to be a chimpanzee, and see if you can remember who is your friend and who is your enemy.

8.  Take a detailed quiz to find out more about your own learning style.  We did this at the beginning of the year, but I'm sure it's more relevant now!

9.  Learn about how scientists are trying to make "artificial vision" possible.

10.  Do some research of your own on "mind control technology" or "thought controlled software".

11. Do some research of your own on brain anomalies, disorders, and unusual conditions, or other mental health topics.  Are you interested in learning more about giftedness?  Autism?  Musical prodigies?  Seizure disorders?  Alzheimer's Disease?

12.  Do some research on your own on other topics related to the nervous system, such as hearing, vision correction, multiple sclerosis....?

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