Tuesday, January 10, 2012


You know what "geekswooning" is right?  ;-)  These girls are my heros!

Explorations for January 10 - Cells and Viruses

Bacteria cells - read about bacteria cells on the left side, and click some of the interesting links on the right side.  Especially, check out the agar art!  Draw a labeled bacteria cell in your notes.

Cell types BrainPop. and quiz...

Compare all three kinds of cells.  Are you very clear on what differences there are between prokayotic and eukaryotic cells?

Cell Parts Brain Pop.  and quiz...

A very thorough tutorial about eukaryotic cells.  Be sure to change it from animal to plant, and compare the differences.  Can you visualize what all of the parts of the cell are, and what they do, and how they work?  Be sure to read all of the words and click on each organelle.  Add to your cell diagram notes any information that you think will be useful for your test.

Section 1 Self-Checking Quiz.

Section 2 Self-Checking Quiz.

Read about how a flu virus spreads, be sure to check out the video!

Viral life cycle. Scroll down to about half way down the page to see an animated drawing of a virus infecting a cell.

Flu Virus infection animation

Section 3 Self-Checking Quiz.

Are you ready for Thursday's test?  Maybe you can think of some things you still need to review, and find resources to help you out.  Reread the chapter?  Study vocabulary?  Finish your homework?  Do the chapter review/practice test at the end of the chapter?